So I lied….

I guess all it takes to get a funny, blog-worthy moment from my kids is to say that there have been none lately.  It’s only been an hour since my last post.  

So, I am trying to NOT let the girls take a nap today.  Lately, we have been going to bed way too late, then they are exhausted about this time and end up sleeping for an hour or so, which leads to trouble at bed time.  There has been way too much of this in the day time:

I went to Wal-Mart today to get some bananas, cookies to bake for our neighbor (hopefully there will be a post about how that goes later), and two index card spirals.  I use my spiral for scripture from Bible Study or any that speak to me in particular.  It has been a great tool; I thought the girls would find it helpful, too.  I want to use them each morning and night and any time we need to, really…but the point would be to find verses that deal with things they might be struggling with.  I asked Ruby first:  “Ruby, what area are you having trouble with that you might need a verse for?”  She said that she has trouble sharing her new Princess phone with Molly.  I told her that was a good area to work on– sharing.  And I got to work looking through my Bible to find a good verse for her.  After a few minutes had passed, she said, “C’mon, let’s look in the New Testament.  Isn’t there a verse in there about sharing my Aurora phone?”  It was so funny.  We chose I Timothy 6:18, “Instruct them to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share,”  

Molly said that her trouble comes at bed time and when she always gets up.  I told her that was disobedience.  We looked up Ephesians 6:1 and wrote it in her spiral.  “Children, Obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.”  Her response was, “What about the bed?!”  She is hilarious.  I explained to her why we chose that verse for her.  She seemed to understand….we’ll see.


We also picked up two Hannah Montana notebooks and some pencils and a sharpener.  My girls have never watched Hannah Montana, but they know who she is.  





And lastly, I leave you with what you would find in my kitchen right now…and I am sure it will get much worse before it gets better.  


Just so you know…

We are packing and preparing to move.  Bitter sweet….I can’t wait to get in the new house and be settled.  The whole process leading up to it is what might kill me.  So please know that I may not be posting very much….partly because not much is very cute or sweet to me in the middle of all this chaos and partly because I am busy with boxes.  Say a prayer for our sanity.   And for the Lord to keep us in perfect peace as we trust in Him in the coming days.  I haven’t moved in six years, which is a record for me since I started moving regularly at the age of 13.  We have a lot of stuff.  It’s the kid’s fault.

The Third Child/Baby of the family



That Mack is quite the character. Lately he has been saying, “pookie-kookie” or “poopie-koopie” or “oopie-koopie-poopie.” We don’t know what it all means. He doesn’t either. He just enjoys the jabbering and having the family laughing at him.
And in his mind there are only two letters in the Alphabet. He sings, “A-C-A-C-A-C-A….” to the tune of the ABC song.
And lastly, he thinks every color is “LELLOW.” We are trying. Really hard. Ruby told me she would teach him, but it didn’t take her long to get frustrated with him and huff off.
Mack just laughed. Oh dear.

No pictures-

I have no pictures to go along with our day, so I was mindful to take the pictures in my mind…..

-Early morning breakfast of cinnamon rolls and bacon and grits…sweet faces telling me thank you and full bellies running off to play

-Fun at a park where we had our lunch by a lake; we just decided to do it because it seemed like fun.  It was.  The kids were laughing.  Molly was eating like a trucker.  She likes “bone chicken.”  

-Ruby leaving her shoes at our new house, so Mack had to give her his flip flops and he was carried everywhere…not an easy job!

-Molly pooping in her pants at a park and me trying to clean her up at a nasty port-a-potty…She wanted to know why the water in the “toilet” was grape.  You see, it was purple b/c of the scent they add to that HORRIBLY DISGUSTING situation.  But I had to laugh at her question.  Never mind the fact that SHE IS ALMOST FOUR YEARS OLD AND HAS ISSUES WITH POOPING ON A POTTY!!!!

-It was such fun to stop in at a cute gift shop and buy a few cute things!  We walked to an ice cream shop after that…the kids were hilarious in there.  Ruby and Molly were enjoying their ice cream at a moderate pace.  Mack, on the other hand, inhaled his chocolate ice cream—all except the last little bit of the cone with a drop of ice cream in it—THEN he wanted to trade with one of the girls.  It was the most hilarious thing how mad he got that they wouldn’t trade with him.  He cried, he hollered “CHADE!  CHADE, DOBBY!” (trade, trade Molly!), and even banged his hands on the table….poor guy.  When Molly went to get water he grabbed her cone and got to biting and licking and eating and smiling.  Then, when she came back and wanted her ice cream back, the fit picked up right where he left it!

-I loved stopping in at the Fruit and Veggies store to pick up fresh tomatoes and peaches.  Tomatoes–for the B.L.T. Josh was having for dinner and peaches because it is summer time!

-A wonderful part of the day was sitting on the swing with Josh in the back yard and watching the kids play and play in the water.  They were so sweet.  I didn’t want to go to the trouble of getting them all in their swimsuits and getting out all the water stuff, but I am glad I did.  They had fun, and I enjoyed watching them.  HOWEVER, when you sit down to watch your kids right after dinner as they enjoy play time with full bellies, well….there is still this thing called A MESS from dinner that somebody has got to clean up.  So, with that said, I better get off this computer.

I hope everyone is planning to have a wonderful INDEPENDENCE DAY!  We are planning to enjoy some pork chops, potato salad, and corn with brownies and ice cream for dessert….you can have ice cream every day in the summer, right?

I will love the price.

Ruby and Molly were watching a CEDARMONT KID’S VIDEO.  These are cheesey cute videos of kids singing and dancing.  My kids love watching them and singing and dancing along.  I was fixing their lunch when Ruby came in and said to me in a very matter-of-fact tone, “Mom, you’re gonna love the price of that Cedarmont video.  You are, yep…you’re gonna love it.”  I quickly realized that she was repeating what the end of the video says when they are advertising all the other kinds of videos….they say, “Kids will love the videos; Parents will love the price!”  Very cute of Ruby.

Another cute story happened this morning.  I decided to try and floss the girl’s teeth.  I started with Ruby.  When Molly came in to see what was going on, Ruby said, “Mom is glossing my teeth.  You’re next.”  

Mack is talking a lot these days.  He says, “Hold MEEEE, mama.  Hold MEEEE”  a lot.  He also says, “YO’ bed, Mama.  YO’ bed” at night when it is time for him to go to his bed.  He is so cute!!!  He likes to run to the girl’s room and “hide” under their covers while they are going potty before getting in bed.  It is adorable.  When we move I am sure he will be sneaking into the girl’s room for the night.  Our room is downstairs, so he will probably get away with much more!   We should just buy him a queen size bed when the time comes so that they can all just sleep together.  Ooooh, I am realizing what a great idea that is!  Then I would only have to make up one bed instead of three!  Hmmmmmm……

OH MY!  I just left the kids to eat lunch at the table while I typed this out.  Well, Molly is on the potty because it has been days and days since she has pooped.  Anyway, I left her plate of chicken and strawberries on the island so it would be ready for her when she was done.  MACK ate his strawberries, then went and got her plate and ate all of her strawberries, too!  And when I told him that was not good to do, he looked up at me and just laughed and laughed, then stopped to say, “No pop-pop.”  (Meaning that he didn’t want a spankin’!)  That boy.

Love this story


So, the “1997” post picture has sparked conversation with friends that didn’t know Josh or me back then.  It has been 12 years ago!  I was telling some friends last night about a very neat story that I would most definitely want my kids to know about.  

Paige, my room mate, and I were sitting in Huddle House because there was seriously  no where else in the town of Cochran to hang out!  Seriously.  The Huddle House was the place to be….so, there we were.  I was telling her about how I was very much tired of my interest in guys that were no where near what I knew God would want for me.  I was tired of going on dates with people that were so completely different from me in values and interests and everything.  I told her that I just didn’t want to date anymore.  And I didn’t, for a really long time anyway…like 8 months, at least.  Anyway, she grabbed a Huddle House napkin and a pen and started telling me to list what I wanted in a husband.  I didn’t particularly want to play this game, but I did.  I started with 1) a Christian.  That is the most important thing, but then I quickly added, 2) Bold! (doesn’t just say they are, but lives like it).  The list went on to something like #46.  I know, crazy.  I really wish I had kept that napkin.  BUT, the reason I remember 1 and 2 so well was because after I made my list, Josh Dorminy came walking in the Huddle House (we all knew one another and were friends).  He was going to order to-go, so he walked up to the counter.  He had waved at us, but when he was at the counter we saw the back of his t-shirt and Paige about fell on the floor.  He was wearing a t-shirt that had a verse on the back, “Therefore we are bold…”  Seriously.  Paige was convinced at that very moment that he and I would be together forever.  I didn’t go that far at that moment, but I did think that it was really weird.  I even distinctly remember the day that I took down the napkin from my dorm room mirror and threw it away.  I thought at that very moment that I let the napkin fall into the blue trash can that I probably should save this, and a thought of Josh Dorminy ran through my mind.  

But, back to that night at the HH.  Paul (he was from New York and pronounced his name “Pool.”) was sitting alone behind us, so he asked Josh to grab a seat at his booth….right behind me and Paige.  So there we sat, in neighboring booths, back to back.  Paige–you gotta know her–grabs the napkin and tells Josh she is writing a paper for her Psychology class, which she probably wasn’t even enrolled in, and she wanted to ask  him some questions.  She proceeded to go down my whole list asking questions and getting answers from him.  All of them lined up.  It was so crazy.  I was looking at Paige like, ENOUGH!  She paid me no mind.  And Josh just ate and answered her questions.  That whole night is very real in my memory, and I am so glad I can remember that story.  Evidently, God was up to something even then.  

And there is more to when we actually started dating;  I will have to write about that another time. I love our story and how God brought us together.  It’s good to think about and fun to remember.  I can tell you that having three little youngins in a very short amount of time was NOT on the list, but I am so glad that is a part of our story!  I would have never thought it up back then.


As promised: Molly, Augusta, potty-training gone bad

DSC_0003Molly had a friend over, GiGi, last week.  She loves this girl and her whole family!  GiGi was here while her family went to buy her some birthday presents.  The girls just played and played and were very sweet to one another.  I am so glad Molly is starting to come out of her shell and be a bit more personable around others.  She talks non-stop here at home, but usually hesitates to talk to people out in public.  She is a sweet little girl, that Molly.

DSC_0006I helped give a shower for my long-time friend, Kelly, last weekend in Augusta.  It was so fun and so good to see people I haven’t seen in a long time.  Kelly and I used to ride the bus to Davidson Fine Arts Magnet School in downtown Augusta.  I clearly remember the day our bus driver almost wrecked.  Our lives flashed before our eyes as we sat on the very first seat together.  We also played the violin many times together.  We went to church together for many years and attended the same high school.  She and her husband, Billy, even lived in Canton…so close to us.  Now they are back in Augusta.  Our families still keep in touch, and I am so grateful!  

Here is Kelly (green) with Amanda (purple), her sister….who is also pregnant.  How fun!


And also at the shower was Natalie.  She and I have been friends almost as long as I have been friends with Kelly.  I remember vividly being in a fifth grade Sunday School class with her and Kelly. She taught me how to eat pop-tarts with butter on them!  She has a sweet baby boy named Carson.



So after getting home and being unmotivated to do anything around the house, I thought I would distract myself with seeing if Mack was ready to be potty-trained.  I mean, clearly I don’t have enough going on with trying to pack up this house, get it rented, move into a new house, etc, etc……..

DSC_0127It didn’t go so well.  That is ok.  I will try again this time next year.

Here are some pictures from my trip to Augusta:

DSC_0102Jud, Kaybeth, and Cacy (my sister, their mama)


DSC_0117My Daddy, My Mama, and Kaybeth

DSC_0123We drove from Aunt Cacy’s house to my parent’s house, which is about 1 minute down the road, and these three kids rode in the back of my car.  My dad swerved back and forth and they laughed so hard that Jud pee’d in his pants, for real.  

DSC_0125Uncle Jesse, Aunt Marcy (my sister), Rennison, and Vance…what a cute family.