Football and Singing


It is such a beautiful spring here in Charlotte! I sit outside and enjoy it despite the pollen that coats my skin. My yard is so colorful (for now…sure wish azaleas would stick around a little longer!).

This has also been a full season in our lives with all the kids are involved in. Mack is playing tackle football for the first time and has loved it.  He has improved each week, and we are so happy he is having such a good time with it.

In this first video he was able to run in the extra points.  He is #58 that the coach talks to twice.

In the second video he gets a sack, which was fun for him!


Molly got a chance to sing at a local youth event last Friday night.  I thought they all did great!



And here is Ruby with Rolo. Ruby bathes her weekly and takes such good care of her. She got a VERY big haircut a couple of weeks ago because she had so many mats. She is going to a doggy daycare on Thursday in hopes of making friends and really liking it because, honestly, we need a break from her from time to time. Having a dog is like having a perpetual toddler.  If you’re on the fence about getting one, gimme a call. I can clear some things up for you. hahaha!

What is in your hand?

Mack has been wanting to go to Barnes N Noble to buy a football book. Josh needed to go to the mall for a couple of things, so we told Mack to come with us and we would go to the bookstore on the way home. He happily jumped in the car, and we drove to the mall. About twenty minutes into our walking around the mall, Mack taps my hand and says kind of quietly, “This isn’t what I signed up for.”

I laughed at him and told him we would get to the bookstore soon enough. He looked at me with much disbelief.

Oh how I can relate to his remarks. “This isn’t what I signed up for.” I have thought that many times throughout my life. One of the main arenas this sentiment might rise to the top of my thoughts is in motherhood. I mean, really, if any of us knew all that it entailed, the population would be much smaller because ohmygoodness it is a lot of work. A lot of dying to self. A lot of giving. A lot of laundry.

Just this morning a couple of pastors at church mentioned Moses and how he laid down his staff when God told him to and God changed it to a serpent and then God changed it back to a staff. The staff represented Moses’ income, his identity, and his influence. The pastor asked us, “What is in your hand that you need to give to God so He can use it?” And I know he didn’t mean, necessarily, what is literally in my hand, but it got me thinking along those lines. In a regular week there are lots of dirty dishes in my hands. Groceries in my hands as I put them in my cart and pay for them and unload them and then eventually cook them. Dirty laundry in my hands. Then, clean laundry that I fold with my hands. School books in my hands. Football helmet left in the living room in my hand as I tell Mack the reasons every thing has a place and every thing should be in its place. The steering wheel is also in my hand a lot. Driving kids every which of way for football, for friends, for special classes, for church events, and more. I want life to be simple and calm, but it just isn’t these days. So much to do, so many places to go, a calendar that will not stop.

I want to be sure I am committing all of my work to the Lord. He sees me and is more concerned with my heart than with anything else going on in my life. Am I becoming more like Jesus? More servant-hearted? More giving? More patient? More gracious? More loving?

So this morning I recommitted my work as a mom to the Lord. I asked that He would help me not be so selfish. That he would help me work as if He were right there with me because…hello!, He is.


Augusta Trip

Friday, March 30th, I turned 41. Happy Birthday to me. I am officially IN my forties. Hmmm. Nothing to do but embrace it! And we took a trip to Augusta to see my sister’s new, old home. Technically, it is in Lincolnton, a town not too far from Augusta.

It is a beautiful old home with huge rooms and lots of windows and plenty of places to sit on the porches! The kids enjoyed playing baseball and kickball outside and hide-and-seek inside.





They all spent the night with Aunt Marcy and Uncle Jesse! Woke up and ate pancakes before starting more games of baseball in the back yard.


The sunset was gorgeous on a beautiful day with the family.  We spent Saturday and Sunday together for Easter.






Ruby (13), Molly (12), Jud (12), Vance (11), Mack (11), Kaybeth (10), Rennison (9), Rolo (6 months)


And let’s not forget that this was Rolo’s first weekend road trip! She did so good! Very relaxed and calm in the car. Such a funny dog. Julie, my mom’s 11 year old dog didn’t really want much to do with Rolo and was probably super glad when we were gone.  Cacy’s dog, Dingle, seemed to play well with her for the little bit they were around each other. We will keep inviting her on our trips if she keeps behaving herself!

Happy Easter! Thankful for the Risen Savior Who is the reason I can face every day! I do not know how people live without the truth of a living Savior in this broken world.