“Just A Mom”

I was listening to an Active Listening Prayer podcast called The Collaboratory. She was teaching on who God says I am and how knowing Who God is helps me be confident in who He made me to be. She warned against the lies of the enemy that try to discourage.

She asked the listener to imagine we were in our favorite spot and Jesus was there. She led us, in our imaginations, to write down a lie we have believed about ourself. I scribbled on my torn sheet of paper I pulled from my imaginary pocket—“Just a Mom.”

She invited us to give the paper to Jesus. “What does He do with it?”she asked.

She gave options of what He might do with it—maybe He doesn’t even look at it, maybe He throws it in a nearby fire or maybe He swallows it! But before she could even offer these suggestions, I had a clear picture of what He did with my lie that I was “just a mom.” As soon as I handed Jesus the paper, He turned it into balloons that spelled out JUST A MOM. Each letter large and shiny and dancing in the sky.

This was a celebration in His eyes. To say no to other pursuits, other people, and other ways of spending my days and years. Saying yes to three little precious people for many days that have turned into years. Little people who have turned into young adults.

I am grateful to God for the ability to stay at home, the husband who has been only supportive of my role, and the time I’ve had with my kids. And I’m especially grateful for the party balloons Jesus made for me for being “Just a Mom.” I’ll never hear those words the same again.

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