The Spoon Experiment

So, have you ever done an experiment with your kids to see just how long they can go with NOT doing something? I tried it with Molly and the clothes under her bed, but I couldn’t take it very long.

I walked past this about two weeks ago.


A spoon. On the stairs. For two weeks. Maybe more. I am not sure when I decided that I was NOT going to be the one to pick it up, but it has now turned into an experiment. How many times can these kids go up and down these stairs and NOT pick this up? I even have times where I say, “Walk into every room, look on the floor, on couches, under couches, anywhere! And if you see anything out of place…anything at all…then put it up!”

And still there is a spoon on my stairs.

I’ll keep you posted on when this is moved to the right place and who actually does it!

Thursday afternoon

Molly has sewing today. We drove down the winding gravel driveway to the yellow house where she has her lessons. As we got closer to the door, we spotted some turkeys! She immediately said, “I am NOT getting out while those turkeys are walking around.” She was so serious.


Then, I took the other two to Starbucks to help pass the time. They were pretty excited to go in Starbucks. Ruby was surprised by how many people were just sitting at tables with their laptops. She said that we “totally need to come here and do our school work one morning.” I think that’s a great idea!

We would have stayed inside or sat at tables outside, but the place was packed!! We opted for the car. Ruby and I read. Mack made funny noises to try and annoy Ruby. Oh, siblings.


We had a good time in south GA with family while we celebrated PapaMac’s 100th birthday. But before we got there, we had to eat! It was Josh’s choice.


Mack enjoyed it!
And we were greeted with a special surprise when we got to PawPaw’s house.

A go-cart!

For the kids…ummmm, mostly for the kids.


Thank you, PawPaw, for such a fun gift!



We always love seeing Aunt Norma and GG! Two sweet ladies!

And there’s always fun to be had with Uncle Jerry and Aunt Pep around!!



And Uncle Tony usually has a trick up his sleeve!

It was a fun couple of days! We’re glad we got to celebrate his 100th birthday. (Ruby remained unsure he would make it until the morning of his birthday.)







Mommy Time

I am about to go get my nails done. Molly begs to go with me.
I say, “No…this is Mommy time.”

Josh has been gone quite a bit lately, so now that he’s home, I’m getting out of the house.

Molly tells me I had Mommy time every night after I put them to bed. (See, I didn’t let anyone sleep with me at all while Josh was away.)

I laughed at her. Then, I left all. By. Myself.

This child clearly doesn’t understand “Mommy time.”

Found This Jewel

I was doing some cleaning around here and found this precious jewel that Ruby wrote.  I couldn’t bear to throw it away, of course….it was for Josh about his mom, Gran/Debbie.

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“My grandma is the best.  I called her Gran.  She worked in the library.  I liked to visit her at the library because I loved to read and to do fun games on the computer.  We would have fun at her house and Molly always wanted to drive her golf cart.  And when it was summer we would play in the pool with her slide and diving board.  And we would do dare devil things on both the diving board and the slide!  She would read CAPS FOR SALE to us and we would act it out with all of her caps.  And we would go play putt-putt and do the arcade.  It was fun!!  And whenever we would come over she would have gifts for us.  And we would always have a lot of fun when we came over.  And one time on Christmas Eve night we were ready for bed and about to get into their bunk beds in their pool house and suddenly there was a knock on the door and Mommy and Daddy opened it and there she was acting like Mrs.  Santa Claus!  She said, “Hello, there!  Would you happen to know where my husband is?”  We laughed, when suddenly PawPaw (he’s my grandpa) jumped out and said, “Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas!”  It was so much fun!!! I loved Gran.”


Those are sweet words, full of love for Gran.  We are thankful that the kids do have memories of Gran…and that one day they will see her again in heaven.



Today I passed the mirror in my living room and scared myself with my big hair. I said, “Whoa.” Then, I stopped and messed with my hair a second. Mack said, “What is it, Mom?” I told him my hair was HUGE today. He said, “Well, I know someone who has bigger hair than you.” (I could tell he just wanted to try and make me feel better about the hair.)
“Really? Who has bigger hair?” I asked.

“Dolly Parton,” he said said, quite seriously.

I laughed inside and thought to myself, “She has a couple more things bigger than me besides her hair!”

Football, West Coast, Birthday, etc

Lots going on around The Dorminy Home.

Mack started flag football again this fall.  He seems to enjoy it and has a coach that is serious about it, which we appreciate.  He is learning a lot….I am proud of how good of a listener he is, and if there is one thing that Josh has made sure he knows, it’s that you do not walk on the field.  Ever.  Mack runs on and off the field, to the coach, to his position, to wherever.  He isn’t going to be found walking on the field.  And I love how he goes to whoever does something good on the team and gives them a high five, letting them know he is glad that they did good.  Love that kid.

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Josh is sorely missed when he is gone.  Here he is with the kids after a late night return…..

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He invited me to join him on his birthday out on the west coast.  We had a nice time being together.  And that no humidity thing?  It’s for real, and I like it.  A lot.  Not one drop of sweat even at temps 100+!!  A special shout out to PawPaw who stayed with the kids.  He is nothing short of amazing when it comes to taking care of the kids.  They went to Wal Mart daily.  He was basically a short order cook for Molly who eats non-stop.  He took care of Mack’s football practice, Molly’s sewing lesson, and got everyone in Sunday School. Words cannot express how thankful I am that he takes such an interest in the kids.  They are making many great memories with him.  He even did some school work with them.

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Above, he is playing a little checkers with the kids in Cabelas.  This is as far as I got in the store…the chairs in which to lounge. That place is huge.

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Josh turned 37 years old while we were in Vegas.

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photo copy 15While I enjoyed most everything about our stay, I did see more skin in two days than I have seen in my adult life.  Clothes that cover is not a high priority there.

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In West Hollywood we drove around a lot with a group looking to start a church out there.  It was great to see a part of the world I haven’t been to yet.  And I enjoyed being able to visualize where our friends will be living as they start their new adventure.

photo copy 6This beauty was in our hotel foyer.  We stayed on Sunset Blvd.  It was very different from anywhere else I’ve ever stayed.

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We saw “O,” a Cirque du Soleil performance.  It was entertaining!

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We ate here one night.  Delicious!  We were all sitting outside and enjoying ZERO percent humidity.  Nice.

And we are back to square one…packing that suitcase again…

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And one more from Santa Monica Pier…

