mollymoo behind the wheel

I could feel my chest tightening the closer my car got to the DMV office. Molly was sitting in the passenger seat as we made our way to the dreadful building. I prayed off and on asking for relief from my anxiety and for nice employees. I knew I had every piece of paper needed, but I also knew this did not guarantee anything and it definitely didn’t exempt me from their meanness or ensure a smooth visit.

Well, it most assuredly did not turn out so smooth. Did we leave with the license? Yes. So mission accomplished, but not without a lot of frustration. I’ve mentioned here before that I haven’t met someone who had a lovely experience at the DMV. The employees at my local DMV, in my experiences, which are many due to moving here five years ago and having two official drivers at this point, are pitifully miserable people that would only be hired here because their incompetence would not be tolerated anywhere else. Of course, they don’t mind, seeing as their job is secure. We have to go there. There is no other option for getting your license. None. The DMV is all you’ve got.

I will spare you the details of the ridiculousness and rudeness of this trip, but I will tell you that I had many thoughts running through my head. I prayed that my kids would never be people that worked at a place like this or treated people the way these people treated people. I prayed that Josh would gladly volunteer for any DMV appointments we have to make with Mack in the future. And I prayed that I would remember that, generally speaking, the same entity that runs this place is also trying to direct my health choices like a vaccine or filthy masks or isolation. I am sensing that maybe none of them have a clue what is going on. Winging it comes to mind. But, hey, what do I know?

End result? A licensed driver name Molly. And a sweet trip to visit Mrs. Sara, whom Molly had planned as her first stop now for months. The girl knows who will celebrate with her, and I am so thankful for sweet and generous friends.

All’s well that ends with friends and ice cream, right? Right! Thankful for the bright spot at the end of this experience. 😊 and thankful I have no upcoming appointment at the DMV!

First First and Last First and Fun First

Today is Mack’s First First Day of high school.
Today is Ruby’s Last First Day of high school.
Today is Molly’s Sweet 16 Birthday on the First Day of junior year of high school.
Ruby (17), Molly (16), Mack (14)
First Day 2021
First Day (of traditional school ever) 2019

Wow! These kids are growing up quickly! Looking forward to a great year for all three. Thankful for this part of their journey even though three teenagers is not for the faint of heart.

Sweet 16 for Molly Moo

Molly’s fourth birthday was on her very first day of a co-op with home school. And wasn’t she a cutie? That birthday button filled with princesses is adorable.

And today is Molly’s 16th birthday on her first day of her junior year of high school. And she is still a cutie.

Molly is a fun girl who loves people. She plans ways to gather at all times. As soon as one get together is over, she presents a new plan to gather people. It wears this mama out, but I’m also glad she loves people. And lots of people love her, it seems.

This group was lots of fun! But I must say there are some good friends not here because of sickness.

Fun time all around for Molly as we celebrated her Sweet 16! We love Molly and all the life she brings to our home and family. I especially love all the music that flows from her room as she plays piano and sings. Sure will miss that one day! Happy 16th, Molly Moo!

Senior Fun

For a small fee, Seniors can paint their parking spot! So we did!

R-U- 🐝



It was a fun, hot morning! Glad we got to do this together. Molly was a huge help! Have a great Senior year, Ruby! We love you.