Moms of Tween Girls!!!!!

Alright, Mamas, unless you’ve been under a rock….and really, sometimes it might seem like a good option….you’ve likely heard about Miley Cyrus Gone Wild. While I didn’t see it with my eyes, I gather it was disgustingly inappropriate, yet telling of our culture. Sad. Very, very sad. Anger and frustration was definitely a part of my reaction, but just as quickly was a heart-felt sadness for her as a person. Can’t imagine the darkness she is living in….and without the grace of God, I would be wallowing right where she is. Thank You, God, for Jesus!

So, we could only curse the darkness. Not a good option.
So I wanted to share with you a fabulous new girl group that lifts up Jesus with fun music and even a little rap! They are a GREAT option for your little tween girl!! Lets help our daughters out—go buy this CD or download it on iTunes!

1Girl Nation is the name of the group. They have a song about being young and how they will “go right when the world goes left” and they’re gonna “save ourselves the heartache, we’re not looking back on what we wish we’d done.” Good message! Go check them out! Your daughter will think you’re pretty cool.


And maybe this will work…,this is a link to their new video….

Molly, the little entrepreneur

Oh, that Molly!! She is obsessed with babies. This summer at the pool I would start looking for her and then find her across the pool under an umbrella holding another mama’s baby. She would tell me, “She knows me now. And she likes when I play with her baby!”
She has decided that now that she has some experience taking care of Drew and Elizabeth (her dolls), that she is ready to be a babysitter.

Now, let me also say that I am very proud of her. She thinks outside the box. I also did agree to help her with this little endeavor….help, meaning that I would actual be the responsible one as I teach her how to care for a baby. Or any kid up to age 3, says Molly. Take a look at her first draft of what her business would be like:

So sweet and so funny!! I told her that we could offer a couple of hours at a time and charge just $2 an hour because it is mostly for her to gain experience and fulfill her love of babies! So if there is a mom who needs to watch her older kids in a school performance or if they’d like to meet another child at school for lunch or maybe they have a doctor’s appointment and just need a couple of hours of someone caring for their little one, then Molly (and me) is your gal!! She said on page 2 of her business plan that she would go on a walk with your child if that is best and she asks that you bring a few toys and a bottle because she is good at feeding babies.
Even if a worn out mom needs to go for a walk and chill at Starbucks, we can help! So pass along this info and let Molly know if she (and I) can help!
In the meantime, we will be working on her business plan…which will begin with spell check!


I’m searching my mind for a caption for this picture….”Super Molly—caring for babies since the beginning of time” or “Need a sitter? Never fear!! Molly is here!!”

Math Minute=Crazy Boy

This was Mack’s first timed Math minute. He freaked out when I said I was timing him. I wish I had known beforehand, so I could have started recording earlier. But, here is Mack-man fighting between shutting down and pushing through to answer all the addition facts.

There are Benefits

There are benefits to home schooling. I don’t always see them, but today I’m seeing pretty clearly…..

We have the pool to ourselves. And the sun decided to come out and play today!

Don’t worry. We did Math and Language Arts and a few chores. We will finish up the day with History and Science and some reading. But I am definitely enjoying a mid-day break!!


Still in shock!

I took the kids for their 6 month dental cleaning. The girls got a clean bill of health–no cavities!

Mack, yet again, had a negative report. Did he have a cavity? Two cavities? Three, maybe?

Try six! What in the stinkin’ world?!

After gasping, I let her explain that they were all in between teeth and super small, but needed to be taken care of. And she asked, “Does he like sweets?” Well, yes. He loves all things candy. But still!!! Six????!!!????

Gracious. (Can you tell I’m still in shock?)

So, we stopped at the local grocery store and went straight to the dental hygiene section. I bought a few kind of floss, a couple new kinds of toothpaste, mouthwash and new toothbrushes.
I put this stuff at the kitchen sink, and I told Mack that he most definitely will be having mom or dad brush and floss his teeth for him after every meal. No complaining or excuses!!
His reply? “But she said I can only brush after dinner.”

He was referring to the fluoride treatment he got today that the dentist doesn’t want brushed off, so she said to wait until after dinner to brush. Today only. So despite the absolute confidence with which Mack spoke about only needing to brush after dinner, I told him I thought I would bypass his advice on dental hygiene…considering he is the one with SIX cavities.

I told the hygienist that I suppose Mack being the baby of the family AND a boy wasn’t working in his favor in the cleanest teeth department. Meanwhile, we may have to skip his next three birthdays to pay for all the cavities!!!


A New Addition to our Family

We are celebrating Molly’s 8th birthday today by taking a trip to Cleveland, Ga to adopt a baby from Babyland General Hospital.
Molly wanted to get up while it was still dark, so we did! And we were eating breakfast by 7:15 am, a good 40 minutes from home.


This nap happened after filling bellies with pancakes and eggs. But we finally arrived.





Boys pretended to be asleep while we waited for the hospital to open.







Mack played around the entire time.

He stared this cow down and then punched it in the nose. ?! Boys!


This is the doll I would have chosen, but Molly had her mind set on a newborn baby boy.

She carried this baby around most of the time until she found one with a cuter outfit. She quickly decided to exchange baby boy #1 with baby boy #2. As we walked away from baby boy #1, Josh said to me, “You’re having a hard time with that, aren’t you? You feel bad for him.” And I said, “Strangely, I do. ”
But Molly was happy with her second choice.


Molly and Josh talked through names for the baby…Bartholamew was all Josh offered. Molly decided upon “Drew Lee Dorminy.”



The witnesses

Taking an oath to care for Drew and love him forever

Welcome to the family, Drew!

We went to Anna Ruby Falls, and despite typical newborn rules, we let Drew come out and explore with us!

He is eating well.

And this was a cute pic of Ruby from the day.


Bear with us as we adjust to a newborn baby in the house again….Molly is taking this quite seriously. It’s sweet. And funny. 🙂

Throne of Grace

So I’m in Philadelphia, PA roaming the streets and just enjoying the sights and sounds. From our hotel room I can see the top of the largest Catholic Church in the city. It is gorgeous!






While in the cathedral, I saw a confession booth (not sure of the technical name).

I immediately thought of Hebrews 4:16 “Let us therefore approach the throne of grace with confidence so that we can find mercy to help us in our time of need.”
I’m thankful that Jesus made the way for me to go into God’s presence at any time for any thing. Sometimes I confess my sins to my kids—when I’ve responded harshly and need their forgiveness. And I ask God to forgive me, and He is faithful and just to forgive my sins. Sometimes I confess my sins to Josh–for being selfish in our relationship, among other things, and he forgives me and we are put back into a right relationship. And I ask God to forgive me so that I can, too, be in right relationship with Him. This is possible because Jesus died on the cross, taking on the sins of the world, was buried and rose again, conquering death….and making a way for me to live eternally with Him in heaven. Jesus made a beautiful way for me to come into God’s presence for all I need. I am thankful for my High Priest.

For GG and Julie

We have a friend in Sunday School who recently got a tiny puppy dog. Molly LOVES Julie’s little puppy, and she held it and took it all around the class party a few weeks ago.
She knows I am not going to get her a dog, like, probably ever…. So GG’s birthday money came in quite handy today when she found a puppy to buy. I told her this is the best kind of pet she’ll ever have. Quiet. Doesn’t shed. Doesn’t poop or pee. Doesn’t chew up anything. Doesn’t cost anything more than she spent at the store.


So thank you, GG, for the birthday money.
And, Julie, if Snow needs a little friend to play with, just call Molly!


My body is adjusting to an earlier wake-up call and fuller days. It feels like I’m gonna die around 2:00, but somehow we push through. “Somehow” included a siesta this rainy afternoon.

We’ve had a great first week.

Monday started out with a personal letter to each kiddo letting them know how excited I am to be their teacher and see how they grow and learn.

They all seemed excited to get started.

Ruby’s favorite part of the day is Reading.

Molly has enjoyed her reading time as well, but singing geography songs is probably her favorite.


Mack’s favorite part of the week was football evaluations. And snack time ran a close second.

These are the sisters waiting for the brothers to finish the evaluation.

My favorite part of the day is rest time….kidding….

It might be starting our school day in God’s Word….

Or maybe having breakfast with this cutie.
We have had a productive week! Sonlight curriculum includes plenty of reading out loud, so my voice is quite tired. Good thing Ruby reads so well! She shares the reading load. And Molly helps me by reading certain directions to Mack when he is stuck. Mack helps my prayer life as I constantly pray for wisdom on whether to keep him focused or let him have a break.

We had a ladies night with Sunday School girls, and we all brought a picture from elementary school. Here’s the one I brought:

I was about 7 or 8, I believe. It reminded me that at that age I was the Teacher’s Pet–big time. Mrs. Smith would bring dolls from her house and let me stay in from recess and play with he dolls or help her grade papers. I helped her all throughout the day. Can you say “showing favoritism”? It reminded me that I was probably much like Molly, whom I find on Sundays wearing a teacher’s name badge in Sunday School and checking kids out at pick-up time!! So funny. She is definitely an administrative helper type.
I was also about this age when I asked Jesus to save me from my sins and live within me. While going through old pictures, I found a picture of my pastor at the time, Brother Fred Lowery. What a kind and loving man.

I love how memories flood your mind all with one picture. I hope my kids and I are making memories that they will look back in with great fondness one day! I’m glad we get this time together. And I sure hope my body continues to adjust to our new schedule!!!!

Bless His Self-Centered Self

I realize many posts are about Mack’s little crazy self…he’s just at that age where he is really coming into himself. He also talks non-stop, so his chance of saying something crazy is high.

On the way to Upward Football evaluations, he turns to his two older sisters and says, “Now I don’t want y’all to be sad but this day is all about me. ”

Really? Gracious. Partly concerning and partly understandable since he has been a part of plenty of things his sisters have done. Football is clearly his deal. Just ask him.