About Us

ANECDOTES are short, personal accounts of incidents or events.  This blog of mine is intended to record the times at the Dorminy house from my perspective.  I love being a stay-at-home wife and mom.  I am married to Josh, a super husband who leads our family beautifully.  We have three kids–Ruby, Molly, and Mack.  They add so much to our life, and I am so thankful that the Lord has blessed us in so many wonderful ways!

I hope to be transparent and real.  Life is so great, but let’s just be honest for a second.  There has been at least one kid in a diaper for the past five and a half years.  Wow.  That will make you crazy.  Ruby was only 2 years old when I brought little Mack home from the hospital; yet another small fact that could bring on the crazies!  So, while I hope to capture sweet, fun, craft-making memories on this-here blog, I also hope to show the moments of not-so-sweet, border-line insane times.  The Good, The Bad, The Ugly, The Funny.  It’s all here.

THE THREE MUNCHKINS--Molly, Mack and Ruby 2008
THE THREE MUNCHKINS--Molly, Mack and Ruby 2008

Ruby, Molly, & Mack December 2009

9 thoughts on “About Us

  1. Kristy, thanks I have laughed, cried and pondered at God’s grace and creation. You have a wonderful gift for writing and am so glad you’re taking the time to do it while the stories are fresh. The Lord is doing a might work in all of us through the trials of Deb, oh how I love that lady! May we hear more from you as the days go on. I love you all so very much and you and Josh are doing a fantastic job in raising them Looking forward to our next visit. Rejoice, Aunt Pep

  2. Thank you for including our Valentines package and pictures….I feel very shallow for admitting I wanted to be mentioned. However, the “worldly” side of me felt really good. Thanks, Sweetie

    We miss y’all! Just remember the current “times: are good and the future “times” only get better. I know people will tell you these are the best times…….I don’t see it that way….. these are good times but as they grow the “times” only get better…..that’s how it was for me rasing you and your sisters.
    I love you! Mom

  3. Hey! I saw Marcy posted your site to Rachel and thought I would check it out! Your kids are so big and adorable! I can’t remember the last time we saw each other! (Very Sad!!) Anyway, I hope all is well with you guys! Miss and love you all!

  4. Hi Kristy, I do not have any contact information for you, but would really love to talk or email you. This is Lori Dean, I use to be in yours and Josh’s sunday school class. Please feel free to email me.

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