{This was written a year ago. I found it in my drafts and read it and realized it’s still true. So I hit the publish button}

I thought my hydrangeas were dead.

I assumed by the brown crunchy leaves that the confederate Jasmine, which is supposed to climb the fence,was going to lay in the dirt instead.

Some of my rose bushes looked to be withering away.

And then the rain came…followed by warmer temperatures. And almost overnight it seemed that the whole yard was green and healthy—there was growth and color and beauty.

God gives the seasons. It was all His idea! The physical ones we can observe are pretty clear as we live through them and observe all that each one brings. We feel the freezing temperatures and see the bare trees. We watch the Sun show up a little more powerfully and dead gives way to life. The summer brings more sun, and we make our way to beaches and watch the waves crash and feel the warm breeze. And then the beauty of fall and all the leaves changing and falling to the ground in near-perfect temperatures—in North Carolina at least.

Life also comes in seasons, though not as conveniently predictable as the physical ones.

In one household, under one roof, all four seasons are liable to be in full force.

Winter can sometimes last way too long.

The beauty, life, warmth and growth of Spring and Summer can be taken for granted—overlooked even—before it’s gone!

And fall leaves flowing to the ground can mean a letting go of something or someone we weren’t quite ready to let go of.

The Lord reminded me this morning to hold on to Him. No matter how much life feels like a winter season, He is the one who always brings refreshment. He gives life and growth in all seasons. Water for my thirsty soul comes from Him. He feeds me like He feeds the sparrows who aren’t worried or storing up in fear. Seasons change. Try to find the beauty in all of them.

And be grateful God isn’t like the seasons—changing and sometimes unpredictable. He is the Maker of the seasons. He tells them when to come and go. And He stays with us through them all.

Molly’s grad party and ceremony

To be transparent, I’m going back to post some stuff from Molly’s graduation. It was a whirlwind, but I still want to document it here.

The night before we had the Baccalaureate Dinner that is so sweet!

Molly had just gotten home from Disney. She actually had a slight case of walking pneumonia but we didn’t know it. She sang a song and did great. She sat back down to eat her dinner—she waited til after the song and was super hungry. The Head of School began presenting the Dr. Poplin Bible Award and the more he talked, the more I began to realize this award was going to Molly. I elbowed her and told her to put her fork down and wipe the rice off her fingers because she was being summoned back to the stage!! A big honor!

And the weekend before all of this fun was a graduation party!

It was a great party full of wonderful friends and family. Molly also had her last morning of being a part of the worship team at First Baptist Charlotte .

What a great senior year Molly had! She was able to help lead worship weekly in chapel. She won Homecoming Queen and Prom Queen. She won some very special awards. But more than any and all of that, Molly loved people. She brought joy to every room she entered. She is a light for Jesus, and we are so proud of her for making much of Jesus and relying on Him. She’s off to spend her summer with PawPaw and intern at his church. More updates to come, but so far things are going well. She’s meeting lots of new people and already learning a lot and making fun memories with PawPaw. We will see her halfway through her time there, and I’m already looking forward to that!

June 10th 2000

23 years ago Josh chose me. And I chose him back. He’s such a gift to me. He loves me so well and shows me the love of Christ daily. So today I thank the Lord for our sweet engagement day. 🥰