Inside these four walls

Well, well, well… has been filled with more time inside my house, which actually has been consistent with my whole summer.  We do go to the pool when the sun is shining.  The sun just hasn’t been shining very much lately.  A bit annoying?  Yes.  Will we survive?  Probably.

I’ve just sent all three kids to their rooms because of some bad behavior, so I’m going to blog a bit.

I laughed the other morning during my chronological Bible reading time when I realized that maybe Twitter has been around a lot longer than any of us realize:
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Josh and the kids took an overnight trip to see his dad and put up some peas and corn.  From what I understand, Irv did most of the work by a long stretch, but here is our freezer nonetheless:



We had plenty of time in the house yesterday, too, so we brought out the play-doh.  They don’t get into it like they used to, but we had a little fun with it.

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We worked on Mack’s sight words, and I was so happy to see that he really does know a great many words.

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Molly brought home an accordion from her music class, so she serenaded us.


Ruby loves marshmallows.  Mack woke up way early this morning, and he asked if he could have the last one of these huge marshmallows our neighbor gave us.  I said, “Hey, what about Ruby?  She probably won’t be happy if you eat all of the last one.”

Mack said, “Oh, she’ll get over it.”

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The other night I went in to check on Mack at bedtime.  He had evidently been drawing his family when he drifted off to sleep.  How sweet!

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I’m hoping for some more sunshine soon, but if not, maybe I can blog about all of my #LessonsfromGideon.




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