VBS Day Two!

photo copy 3We started our morning with some fun hair spray to get ready for “Cotton Candy Hair Day” at VBS.  The kids were sure that they needed some crazy colored hair, and so Josh and I took a trip to Sally’s Beauty Supply last night to get them some.  (I include this detail so that they know one day that their parents were sort of fun and let them have fun.)

I went a different route with a green wig someone had given us at Halloween.  On the way in to the church Molly and I were walking side by side when Molly said, “Oh, Mom, they are all staring at me….I’m nervous.”

photo copy 4I told her that if it was any consolation, I didn’t really think they were staring at HER, but rather ME and the green wig.  She didn’t believe me.

photo copy 2Mack has been able to be with his best buddy this week.  I chose the letter “R” as my Kindergarten classroom because this little guy’s name starts with an “R.”  They both wore Spider-Man shirts and each had their own crazy hair.  I love a boy who isn’t afraid to participate in stuff like this.  I’m sure one day he will be too cool, but I hope not!

If anyone is wondering, I did make it through the pledges without bawling again.  Only three more mornings to hold it together.

I will add this last fun fact…during the Rec time the kids got to go in the Gym and jump on four different very large inflatables.  A kids dream come true!  One boy in our class had his socks on and was slipping around everywhere on the floor, so I told him he could take his socks off if they were bothering him.  He took me up on it and snatched off his socks quickly and handed them to me….the warm, sweaty, little boy feet socks.  Then, a couple other of our boys saw the transaction and made a quick move over to pass their socks off to me as well.  So I reached a new level of teacher love and dedication as I held the four pair of warm, sweaty, little boy feet socks.

So clearly, as a VBS teacher you never know what you might find yourself wearing or what acts of service you might find yourself doing.  🙂  Exhausted, but loving our week.





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