VBS Day One

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Today was the first day of Vacation Bible School at my church, and I had such a fun time.  I am teaching Kindergarteners.  Each one was so very sweet.  Tomorrow we get nine more kids because, evidently, ours was the smallest class…which could have played a big role in why I had such a fun time.  🙂

We start out in the room getting everyone’s name tag on and playing together.  Then, we head over to the Chapel to have Worship Rally.  There is a drama and music and offering time.  The part that actually makes me want to cry is the pledge to the American and Christian Flags and the pledge to the Bible.  It’s like a flood of memories begin to wash over me.  

I grew up in a small, small church in a small town.  My grandma was THE Toddlers Teacher.   Mrs.  Pharr was THE Baby Teacher. And those two sweet ladies took care of the nursery.  Small church.  I’m really not good with numbers, and I am sure my memory doesn’t serve me well, but it seems like if we had 50 total kids at VBS, then it was considered packed.  I distinctly remember the general assembly when all of us would first line up outside as classes and then walk into the sanctuary.  One year my mom was the VBS Director.  I remember that very well.  We always took the pledges very seriously, and I always wanted to hold the Bible up front during pledge time.  The flags made me nervous; they were heavy.  But as an adult (especially when I am a teacher), it’s like the Lord allows my heart to be raw during the large VBS gathering.  He allows me to remember those fun-filled VBS days and somehow helps me connect it to who I am today. (I would bawl my eyes out right there if I didn’t think the kids would wonder about the mental state of their teacher.) It mattered that those teachers were there to teach.  It mattered that my mom chose to direct the whole program that year.  It mattered that people gave offerings to help the church function so that we could even have VBS.  It mattered that someone got those Butter Cookies ready and poured the Cherry Kool-Aid.  It mattered that someone taught the gospel and loved on each kid.  Even when those in charge couldn’t see right then that it mattered…even if they were tired…even if they didn’t know how to teach kids perfectly…even if there were only a few kids in the class…it mattered.

In my daily Bible reading I am  in I Kings and I Chronicles, as well as studying Gideon’s life in the book of Judges.  I have been reminded that leaders matter.  I have been reminded that poor decisions by those in charge affect those under his or her influence.  I have been more aware that seemingly small decisions or insignificant moments affect so much more than we are able to be aware of.  So I am thankful that even though I don’t see specifics of how it matters that I am teacher, I trust that it does.  I’m thankful that the Lord makes me super sensitive to Him during the Worship Rally when hundreds and hundreds of kids are gathered to sing, dance, pray, give, laugh…and pledge together.  I’m thankful for a memory that includes fun weeks of VBS in my small childhood church.  We didn’t even know what a jumpy was back then, but I always had a blast!  

Dear Lord Jesus, 
Thank you for the opportunity to serve You at Vacation Bible School.  Thank you for the many leaders that are serving this year.  Thank you for each and every leader that ever served at Bayvale Baptist Church when I was there.  Thank you for keeping me aware that so much of who I am today is because of Your work in the lives of someone else that led me, taught me, encouraged me, served me, loved me and loved You.  Help me be poured out for You in ways that bring You glory this week at Vacation Bible School.  You are so worthy.

3 thoughts on “VBS Day One

  1. Good word!! Father’s day service in Florida last week was about leaders and how so many Kings in the bible made bad choices… as a mom it reminds me of every little decision I make at home effects my children. As leaders we are to serve and humble ourselves for others and I am thankful for you doing that for those Kindergarteners and our church!!

  2. Awe, this made me cry……….I SOOOOOOOOOOOOO loved our pledge time at VBS at Bayvale…those heavy flags…and what a big deal it was to be picked to carry that Bible or hold one of those flags 🙂 You are so right…it matters…and those wild/shy/silly/precious kids will know how much it mattered one day. VBS is where I was saved, so it REALLY matters to me! Thank you for serving 🙂 BTW, our VBS was a few weeks ago and Vance is still talking about what a fun time he had… I love you!!

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