Cash for Christmas!

The kids have been brainstorming ways that they can make money so that they can buy some Christmas presents for each other and whoever else comes to mind.

We decided to do an afternoon of babysitting.

The sweetest, cutest little kiddos came over ready to play!

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There was playing and reading and snacks and holding and feeding and playing outside on the trampoline, swinging outside, and more playing.

My kids had an absolute blast.  I will say that around the hour and a half mark they started asking me how in the world I did it.  Molly asked, “So, this is what you did all day with us?” Ruby asked about my friend, Courteney, “Mom, how does she keep up with her all day?”

I laughed…because I honestly don’t really remember how I did it.  And the moms who are in the middle of these toddler/baby years probably won’t remember either.  You just do it!

Recently, we were watching a video when Ruby was 3 and a half, Molly was 2 years and three months and Mack was 8 months old.  They were a hoot.  Ruby was bossing Molly.  Molly was screaming her head off about it and trying to hold Mack, even though he was as big as her….”My Mack!  My Mack!” she would holler.  And then she came over to see me as I was videoing since Ruby pushed her out of her position at holding Mack.  I then asked her to say some Christmas verses we were working on and she was adorable.  “And she gabe birt to her firstborn Son, and she wrapped Him in a mancher…..there’s no room in a end.”  So sweet and funny.  She immediately looked at her dad and said, “SNACK!  SNACK, Daddy!”  She was conditioned to say verses and get rewarded with cookies.

I say all of that to say this—-Josh, as we were watching these cute little boogers on video, said, “We did not appreciate that season of life enough.”

I am not sure that is totally true for all the time of that season, but I will tell moms and dads of little ones to soak it all in…all of it.  The little voices.  The funny faces.  The messes (OH, the messes!).  The quirkiness of their night time routines.  All of it.  Time just keeps on ticking.

Ok, back to the babysitting job.  My kids were POOPED.  So tired…and I was cracking up about it.  They loved it, but they realized that they have to work for their money.

We did a math lesson to divide up their money equally….they all said it was well worth it!

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