i {heart} scripture

I am thankful that I have a husband who gets up early and spends time in God’s Word. I am especially thankful on days when I read Proverbs 6; it emphasizes the importance of God’s Word and how His commands will guide you and watch over you and talk to you. They light your way and lead to life! Good stuff.

Then, there’s this whole part about how they will “keep you from the evil woman”…”from the smooth tongue of the adulteress.”

She could “capture you with her eyelids.” She “hunts for the precious life.”

Woa. So, even though I was certain Josh had already spent time in God’s Word, I text him to encourage him to take another look in the scriptures to Proverbs 6.

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I’m so thankful for the bread emoticon. What did we do before we could communicate with little pictures? It added a lot to that little message, don’t you think?