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The week

The week has been LLLLLOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGG.  I am acutely aware of why I was such a bear during the newborn phase, which lasted around my house for about 3 years!  This waking up business and staying awake for three hours at a time business is for the birds.  Birds that don’t have kids to feed, school to teach, clothes to wash, a husband to care for…..and birds that DO get to sleep all day and look out for themselves alone.

So, since it is so late.  7:46pm, to be exact. (It feels like midnight.)  Let me just make a list to record the week, so that the kids will remember what a loving, sacrificial mother they have.  Or  not.

-Lots of “careful!”s and “Watch out for Ruby’s arm” and “Stop running, Ruby.”

-A few nights of Ruby sleeping with me in the master bed.  I woke up every time she moved to make sure she was keeping her arm elevated….seeing how we’ve had some circulation issues and all.

-Middle of the night potty breaks for me and then for Ruby….only she wouldn’t happen to go when I was already up.  She’d wait until I had been back in bed about, oh, 20 minutes.  “Sure, sweetie, I will help you go potty.”

-Wee morning hour medicine show-downs.  “You HAVE to take this medicine, Ruby.”  (shaking her head and pursing her lips)  “Ruby, this is not funny.  I am sooooooo tired.  Please just take this medicine.”  (more shaking head and pursing lips)  “RUBY.  STOP IT.  OPEN. YOUR. MOUTH. NOW.”  and on and on and on we would go.

-Molly and Mack sleeping together and giggling and laughing until all hours of the night.

– Lots of school work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-Meltdown after realizing a field trip was going to be cancelled.  Again.

-Taking a trip to Chick-fil-A to meet up with some of Molly’s classmates instead….and then having to leave when someone threw-up at the top of the play area….that’s what we need–a throw-up bug in the middle of all of this.

-Mack constantly taking his clothes off every time he gets out of my eye shot.  “A cuz I don’t want my pants on.”

And I leave you with a quote on gratitude.

I feel a very unusual sensation – if it’s not indigestion, I think it must be gratitude
Benjamin Disrael

Clearly, I have indigestion.




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