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Gorgeous Day!


It was most definitely the most gorgeous day we have had in a while.  The skies were clear and so very blue.  The sun was warm; the wind was blowing just enough to make it a perfect temperature.

Ruby had school all day.  Molly had her Art and Music class at church.  Mack and I went to Target to find Ruby pajamas for Friday–Pajama Day at her school!  How fun.  Mack and I really enjoy that little bit of time with just the two of us.  I told him the girls were going to school and it was our turn to just have Mack and Mama time.  He said, “Go to the sto’? (store)”  I guess we have a pattern here.  We have fun!

Today while I was starting dinner, I looked outside and saw the kids:

I didn’t know what they were doing at first…

Then, I saw that they were enjoying a magazine that Gran sends them each month.  They were so cute!!!  They enjoyed playing outside for a long time this evening.

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