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Following Me?!

In this day of having “followers” via The Instagram, I was captured by a thought the other morning in my time with the Lord. I had been listening  to “The Goodness of God” on repeat for days; it is a new song by Bethel Music that is so amazing. I was thinking over and over of the faithfulness of God in my life recently and over the course of my almost 42 years of life. It’s almost too much to take in really.

The fabulous news I was captured by is found in Psalm 23, verse 6. It tells me I have some magnificent “followers” in my life.  And if you are a believer, you have some pretty amazing “followers” in your life, too!

“Surely goodness and lovingkindness will follow me all the days of my life.”

It’s true. God is good and loving, and He’s got His goodness and lovingkindness following after me. When I spend time reflecting on this truth I feel like my heart could explode. What a truth to cling to and enjoy and think on.

With these two following me, I need not wonder if I am liked or loved or understood or accepted. God has His eye on me! He is with me. That will always be enough!

Take a listen to this song!

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