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We have had stuff going on, but I haven’t had time to blog about any of it.  The Dorminy’s visited this weekend.  Would you believe I didn’t take one single picture?  Shameful.  Friday night was Soccer practice and Mexican.  Saturday Mrs. Debbie and I got to go the Beth Moore conference.  It was fabulous!  We had a wonderful time.  There was plenty said that will keep me thinking in the days and weeks ahead!  Maybe I can share later all of her points on what a secure woman looks like.  So good.

Today I went in Molly’s music class and listened to her sing and watched her with Boomwhackers.  She is learning rhythm and beat and notes, etc.  She totally cracks me up.  She did not smile at all.  She did participate, but not with great enthusiasm.  This is just how Molly rolls.  My friend, Mary, came in and watched Molly, too.  She reminded me that Molly might be like Beth Moore’s assistant….Beth Moore talked about her assistant being very business like and focused, and somewhat non-dramatic.  If you were there, you will remember her talking about her.  OH, that Molly.  “I love the Lord.  I do.”  Molly may say that one day with a straight face and not one single tear.  I’ll just be glad she says it because, if she says it (and I pray she does!), she will most likely mean it from the core of her being.

I don’t realize how big Molly’s hair is until moments like these….wonder where she gets it from?

Molly does have a cute little sense of style…love her jeweled sandals, half painted toe nails and jeans.

Mack showed me his talent while we waited in the hallway.

He is so funny.

Oh, and I meant to mention that Molly has been falling off of her bike a lot lately:


Yesterday I made some Dinosaur Food–Mrs. Honaker sent a recipe home for the kids to try.  They are studying dinosaurs this week.  Did you know the word dinosaur didn’t come about until 1841?  That’s why we don’t see the word in the Bible.  Dragon is in the Bible though.  And did you know that an average sized dinosaur would be the size of a sheep?  Crazy.  There’s more…..but I will move on.  This Dino Food did not look so much like food as, maybe, Dino- Poop!

But they did taste good!

That should bring us up to speed.  Glad you checked in on me after almost a week of nothing!

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