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An update…………

Well, it seems forever since I have been able to update the blog. Our internet service is working, but our computer ethernet port is defective.  We cannot connect directly to the internet from our computer to the new modem our IP provider brought out today.  SO, after a very frustrating week (really this has gone on at some level ever since we moved here 8 months ago), we now think we know what the main issue is.  I hope it will be handled by then end of this week.  We surely will see.

In the meantime, I will share that Josh and I just got back from a Marriage Retreat weekend at Winshape Retreat in Rome, GA.  It was phenomenal.  I loved, loved, loved getting away with Josh.  Our sitter did great;  I was very confident that she could handle whatever may have happened here with the kids.  And she did!  The kids had a fun time.  They played outside, watched Little House on the Prairie, and ate lots of food.  Mack managed to wet his bed and himself each night.  Oh well.  It couldn’t have gone perfectly…..but it nearly did!

Back to the retreat.  Winshape is a beautiful, Christ-centered retreat facility.  The workers there are Christians.  The ladies who clean the rooms pray over the rooms and over the people who will be staying in them.  The men who keep up the grounds also pray that the beauty of the place will direct us towards the Lord.  It is amazing.  The food was so very yummy.  I felt like we ate every couple of hours.  Oink, oink.

The speakers did a wonderful job of challenging us as a couple and as parents.  I definitely know that I need to watch more carefully and prayerfully what comes out of my mouth because it is shaping someone’s heart, potentially.  I got to know others in our class even better, too, and that was so much fun.  One statement that stuck out was in regards to time with Josh.  During this season with our kids and considering their ages and their needy-ness, we need to learn to “capitalize on the minutes.” I am a quality time person, and I usually enjoy large chunks of uninterrupted time with Josh, but that is not a reality on an extremely regular basis, BUT Josh is home most evenings and weekends and can even stay later in the mornings than most dads….I want to use the minutes I have to encourage him, love him and build us up as a couple….rather than waiting until we have a whole day together, ya’ know?

And while I am telling about what I am learning and how I am growing, I finished SO LONG INSECURITY by Beth Moore.  I highly recommend it.  I soaked it up and am going back through it with a large group on Beth Moore’s blog.  There is TONS of scripture to meditate upon, and I am very much enjoying that part of where I am.  The Lord is so good, so faithful, and so merciful to me.  I can hardly make sense of it all.

“The Lord, the Lord, the gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abounding in love!”  That verse is in Exodus somewhere.  I don’t know where my purse is with my Bible and Scripture rolodex thing.  BUT, that is a good one and has ministered to me as I have meditated on it.

I hope everyone has a great week.  You will know as soon as my internet is up and working at my house!  I will have to post some pictures.  The grandparents surely must be missing that part of the blog!  Surely.  🙂

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