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Well, all three kids have not been feeling well this week.  Mack has been a little “off” since Friday.  He seemed great Saturday and Sunday, but Monday afternoon he had another fever.  Weird.  Molly said her head hurt this morning, and she ended up with a fever around 10:30am.  Around 1:30 I got a call from Ruby’s school.  Mrs. Walley said that Ruby was complaining of her head hurting.  I went to the school and picked her up so that she could come home and get started on Motrin.  They are all on the couch in pajamas watching a movie while it is pouring down rain outside.  I have a headache, but that is not unusual for me….we’ll see how it all turns out.  (Random:  I know a sentence should not end with a preposition, but I have been doing it a lot lately.  It bugs me.)

This morning I went to a Reading Strategies seminar.  It only lasted an hour and a half, but I was very encouraged by being there.  It was just nice to be there with other moms who are home schooling and to be taught some skills on making sure Ruby is comprehending what she is reading.  I came home inspired and labeled a few things around here with index cards….”freezer,”  “refrigerator,”  “dryer,” “washing machine,”  “mirror,” “ironing board.”  Mack was roaming around while I was returning emails, checking on Molly, giving out a snack, answering the phone, starting laundry, trying to hang up some clothes in my closet, trying to find where the poopy smell was coming from—only to realize that I had left a poopy diaper at the top of the stairs earlier that morning…yuck.  ANYWAY, after all the running around to get Molly ready to go pick Ruby up and waking Mack up from his nap to go get Ruby, and then finally getting back home, divvying out medicine, helping everyone get comfortable…blah, blah, blah….Ruby found the index cards and wanted to try and figure out what they said.  She saw “refrigerator” and “door,” but she wanted to find some more.  I told her there were several in the laundry room.  She went in there, but came out and told me she couldn’t find any more.  I walked in to show her where they were, but I couldn’t find them either.  Oh how quickly I was reminded why I don’t use my creativity too often and try to stick to the bare necessities in home schooling—-MACK.  “Mack!!!!!!!!!  What did you do with these cards that were right here and right here and right here??????”  He replied, “Uh.  In dair.”  (In there, as he pointed to the dryer.)  I opened the dryer to find all of my index cards.  Why?  Why did he do that?  Why can’t he keep his chubby paws off of my stuff?  I put them back up, but I do not expect them to be there for very long.  I tried.



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