Site icon Kristy Dorminy

Really? Two Years? Wow.

You know, I titled this post, but really, I am not amazed at how quickly two years have raced by…because it doesn’t really seem that way to me.  I totally get that he is two.  I don’t feel like it was just yesterday that I brought him home; and hallelujah for that!  Maybe it seems that he should have already been two about 10 months ago because he weighs what a three and a half year old does. Or maybe it is because when I brought him home from the hospital Ruby was still 2 years old!  I don’t know.  Call me crazy, but I am welcoming the little bit of independence that Mack is having—eating by himself for the most part, announcing that he has pooped and running to get his own diaper, climbing into his car seat by himself, and that is just the short list.  

We leave tomorrow night for Albany, GA to see Gran & PawPaw, GG & Papa Mac, and the turtle that has returned to his summer home on Lovers Lane Road.  We will celebrate Mack’s birthday on Saturday.  Mrs. Debbie got a cake ordered of a train with Elmo driving it.  Mack will love that.  And Ruby.  And Molly, too.  

We actually started celebrating yesterday when Mrs. Mary, Ben and Katherine came over for our last day of the Easter craft.  She was so thoughtful and brought cupcakes and a book for Mack….really, it is my favorite book, and I have wanted it for at least a year!  She is a sweet friend.  It is entitled BOYS ARE BEST.  You have to read it to get it.  Parts of it are a bit inappropriate, but funny nonetheless.


The gang, the cupcakes, and the book!


Mmmmm....loving the cupcake!

Now, please don’t judge these horrible pictures that are to follow.  I don’t know if I have lamented here about the loss of pictures from my computer or not, but I did lose pictures from my computer, and I know it is best to leave it alone.  However, I was trying to find a newborn picture of Mack, but ended up having to take pictures of actual pictures in a book, so forgive the poor quality.  I will have to muster up the memories in my mind in order to remember what he was like as a newborn, but that is what they did in olden days, right?  And I didn’t include any of me holding Mack because, really, who would want to see those?  It was a long, long, night.  He was born at 3:54am.  Awfully tired was this mama.  And swollen.  And tired.  Glad Josh was able to nap while I labored.  Someone had to look refreshed in the pictures.


Mack in his car seat about to head home! That is a pacifier in his mouth.


He was 8 lbs, 9 oz. and 22 in long


Awww, I miss being pregnant! NOT!!!!!!!!!!
Mack on his first birthday, in his pose
Enjoying his first Birthday Cake (and he threw it all up that night in his crib)


Sweet baby Mack and his bottle

We are so thankful that we had baby #3.  Mack has been such a joy to our family.  He keeps us laughing.  The girls love having a baby brother.  It will be a fun weekend to celebrate and remember all the milestones Mack has reached in his two year life.  


My favorite picture: Josh introducing Ruby & Molly to Mack



“From the fullness of His grace we have all received one blessing after another.”  John 1:16

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