17 years on 1/27/18

17 years of marriage. That’s what we got away this weekend to celebrate, and I am so glad we did! We went to a Bed & Breakfast about forty-five minutes away. Josh has stayed there before and thought we would enjoy the quiet and the short drive—he was right on both accounts. Between his job and all that it entails and my role here as home school mom and manager of all things at home, it can be challenging to find time alone. We had so much to talk about! Josh made a great list to help us accomplish a lot of great conversation!


We talked about our marriage and its history. We recapped hard times and good times. We looked head-on at some of the current challenges and what we can do to do marriage well, right where we are. This season is challenging, but lots of learning and growing and maturing comes as a result of the hard times. So we press on with expectancy and purpose!


We also talked about each kid—strengths and weakness, interests and needs. We discussed finances, church, and took a look at our calendar.

We were celebrating FAITHFULNESS. Faithful to each other. NOT perfection, but faithfulness. We are both so grateful to God for His faithfulness in our lives that makes it possible for us to be faithful to one another. What grace in our lives!!


We also left the weekend with a challenge to “win the morning” and “win the evening.” Josh used a baseball game analogy. His coach used to tell them that most games are won or lost in the first inning and the last inning. Does it matter what you do in the middle innings? Well, of course it does, but making sure you get started well and end well can propel you to victory. So, he and I are taking that advice and applying it to our days. Spend time with the Lord in the morning and keep His Word top priority. And use the evenings with intentionality with the kids…have family devotions with prayer, praise and The Word. It can be 20 minutes…but any time focused together as a family will likely help all of us connect.

Words fall short to convey how thankful I am that God gave me Josh. He is an amazing husband, and I am deeply grateful for our 17 years of marriage.

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