Finally, he is 40.

I am five months older than Josh.  Five LONG months. And those five months are a little more painful on those decade birthdays; Josh has been sure to quite regularly work in the fact that I was in my forties while he was still safely in his thirties. Well, thirty-something he is no more.  Welcome to 40, Joshua Lee!


Doesn’t he look excited?

We put in a patio and are getting some chairs and other furniture for this space, so that was his big gift. At work, his office was decorated by his co-workers, and he got lots of yummy cupcakes.  They even sang to him!

I served fried chicken, mashed potatoes, lima beans and cole slaw with Blackberry Cobbler for dessert. IMG_2794.JPG

Josh got a small gift from us, and he read the cards that came in the mail…from his dad (with lots of old pictures from Josh’s life!), from my parents, from Coach Ron Polk (who never fails to miss a birthday or anniversary or Christmas card complete with a personalized note!), and a card from a mortgage company. You know you are OLD when you get a card from a mortgage company.


This is Josh in his younger years on our first Thanksgiving as a married couple.  He ended up in the ER with a split nose from something he tried to do on trick skis. I should have known then that being married to Josh was NOT going to be boring, that is for sure.

And here is the card from Coach Polk. It’s always a challenge to decipher what he writes, but we so enjoy getting his cards.



Happy Birthday to Joshua Lee Dorminy! Finally 40.  So many are blessed by your life!


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