Always a Rough Draft

This week Molly had an English assignment.  She was to write a letter to Zeus. She is reading a Greek Mythology book and learning about all types of Greek gods.  All the gods and their crazy stories take me back to Middle Georgia College in Cochran.  Though I don’t remember her name, I can see my Greek Lit professor as if she were standing in my living room.  A tall, older lady with a big build.  Gray hair that was set with hairspray in the same style day after day.  The lectern holding all the words that she would recite as I took pages and pages of notes on seemingly useless information.

Molly wrote her letter to Zeus and then told me she wrote it and was finished with that assignment.  Ummm, no….just beginning that assignment would be more accurate.  I explained to her that I would read her first draft, make some suggestions, and then we would go from there.

“But, mama, the teacher didn’t say we had to have a rough draft,” she said with such confidence.

Oh, Molly, Molly, Molly.  There is ALWAYS a rough draft if your aim to have the best final copy to turn in to your teacher.  ALWAYS.

She repeated her statement several times about how the teacher never mentioned a rough draft.  I lovingly reminded her that I am also her teacher and know that her other teacher probably assumes that OF COURSE YOU WILL HAVE A ROUGH DRAFT….You are writing, aren’t you?  

However, at this point in our week I was lacking in perseverance and gave in, saying something along the lines of, “Ok, Molly, you can turn in this piece of garbage if you want to.”  And Molly didn’t appear to be offended one iota; she was relieved I gave in.

I talked to Josh on the phone last night about it.  He, as usual, gave me a pep talk.  Reminded me it is never ok to give in to Molly.  She is out for blood, and I must always be stronger….or at least that is how I interpreted it.  So I woke up refreshed and ready for little Ms.”No-Rough-Draft” Molly.  I gave her a smile and told her we were going to work on her rough draft.  She tried again (I am telling you, the child is persistent) to tell me she didn’t need a rough draft.  I continued on with much assertiveness and together we read her letter and made appropriate changes—adding sentences, taking away words, replacing words with better words, indenting when appropriate, and lo and behold, we had an amazing letter.  Molly rewrote the letter with precision and pride.  I can tell she was happy to have a finished product worthy of turning in on Tuesday.

And I was proud of my resolve.  I overcame my “whatever” attitude!  I persevered.  I acted like the adult.  Woooo-hooooo for me!  Woooo-hoooo for Molly!


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