Pig Worms?

imagesdsc_0132_21The girls wore their Indian outfits that Gran made for them last year to Sunday night church.  They were supposed to dress in their best Thanksgiving garb….they looked cute.  I almost forgot until Molly said, “Mama, we are supposed to wear our Indian style.” (There is a whole ‘nother story here…Josh teaches our girls to say ‘indian style’ instead of ‘criss-cross-applesauce’ because the political correctness makes him CRAZY!!!!)  Monday morning we were talking about how Sunday night went and Ruby said, “Mama,Mrs.Karen and Mrs. Terry were dressed like Pigworms.”  I really didn’t get it at first, but then I realized she was saying PILGRIMS.


3 thoughts on “Pig Worms?

  1. okay! are you making these stories up!?? they are just to darn cute!!! i can’t believe how funny these girls are!!! haha! i love reading your stories…keep ’em coming!!

  2. okay i meant to type “too” instead of “to” i can’t stand when people misuse that word! ugh!!

  3. I wish I could be there to help out when the days get too long and you need a much deserved break. I check your blog every day and it is an unlifting moment. Ruby, Molly, & Mack make me smile just thinking of them. I’ll send Josh right back to you tomorrow. Thank you for loaning him to us for the day. I’m still learning to cope with the ups and downs but with God’s help I’ll come out on the other side a better person. I love you for the wonderful wife and mother you are! Debbie

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